In the recent times, payday cash advance services have gained a lot of popularity. A lot of companies are offering advance payday service and as a consumer you can pick and choose what suits you the best. At the same time, the popularity of credit cards to meet expenses and even for day to day transactions is increasing. As a result, it might become difficult to choose between getting a payday cash advance and using a credit card. So, read on to know what could work to your advantage.
Paying through your credit card
Credit cards offer a lot of convenience today. They completely take away the need to carry cash. At the same time, their billing cycle is such that the amount does not get subtracted from your account immediately. As a result, you do not feel the pinch!
But then at the same time, what most people do not realize is that you end up paying an interest on the money. At the same time, in case of most credit card companies, as long as you clear the minimum amount, you can continue paying through your credit card, but once again there is a catch here. As your payment to be made to the credit card company keeps on increasing, so does the interest that you need to pay. So, don’t just get taken in with the idea of the convenience that a credit card offers, look at both sides of the picture.
Pay day advances
In case of a payday advance (USA), all you need to do is contact a lender, apply for the loan, and the cash is transferred into your account within 24 hours. In case of pay day advances, the loan has to be paid back on your next pay day. And in case you need an extension, you need to intimidate your lender by giving an application. Following that, the due date to pay back the payday cash advance would be extended.
In most cases, it is felt that the interest rate for getting pay day advances is high, but at the
same time these are hassle free and quick loans. At the same time, as these have to be paid back on your next pay date, so the interest does not carry over for a long period.
A comparison
Both pay day advance (USA) and credit cards come with their own pros and cons. Credit cards score over pay day advances because you do not need to apply for a loan. All you need to do is swipe your credit card and the payment is taken care off. In case of a payday advance, you need to apply for the loan, and following that the company carries out verification and then the cash is deposited into your account. This process usually takes a day and the cash is available in your account the very next day. So, while credit cards offer an instant payment mode, even payday advances are as good as instant.
In case of payday advances, the loan is cleared on your next payday; therefore this is not a long term loan. In case of credit cards, the payment can be delayed and this can lead to paying high interests that we often do not realize. Statistics indicate that we actually end up paying a substantial amount in compound interests on credit card amounts. As a result, both credit cards and payday advances offer unique benefits and at the same time have certain limitations.
Objectively speaking, a payday loan could score over credit cards on many fronts. So, make sure you think about all this before taking a decision.